Electric Sign Authority

Gen Ed in Elec. Signs 101 +

UPDATE on Garden City, ID Sign Ordinance Draft and Tonight’s Meeting Info

Last night at the Garden City Design Review Committee meeting, myself and another sign company were present along with Dr. Todd Walker, D.D.S. of River City Dental and Rob Powell,  architect from Dave Evans Construction. (Need more business owners to attend meetings and speak out!) Although the meeting was a “workshop” forum  and not a “public” forum, the committee did allow all those that wished to speak, to do so briefly. Later the committee thanked all those that spoke and said it was very helpful. (Encouraging)

One very important item in the proposed draft that I needed clarification on and got last night after the meeting is that each business will be ALLOWED ONE SIGN ONLY; a monument sign or a wall sign, not both. The way that it is worded in the draft is confusing and other language on a different page is contradictory. I don’t think that many people have picked up on this. There was no discussion about this portion of the code by anyone present. This is a very big deal and a very drastic cut of the current allowance. Can you imagine telling Walmart that they can have only one sign? Or how about Fred Meyer?

When this ordinance passes, all signs that do not fit into the new allowances will become “legal non-conforming signs” and as the draft is written currently, every legal non-conforming sign will require a YEARLY PERMIT. By the city planners own admission, there would be hundreds of signs that would fall into this category. All legal non-conforming signs would have to be removed within twenty years (the depreciation schedule of the IRS.) The Design Review Committee felt that his was a little harsh. Some members suggested that the permit be good for five years and that the legal non-conforming signs be removed when the property use is changing or being redeveloped.

Much discussion took place regarding the absence of Electronic Message Centers (EMC) in the existing ordinance and proposed draft. After testimony by a committee member that had scientific-based knowledge that EMC’s do not increase the number of traffic accidents, the rest of the committee seemed to be more open minded about what the sign companies and Dr. Walker had to say. Near the close of the meeting, the committee said they would like the planners to look into how the city could allow message centers while keeping control of the animation and or movement, the brightness, and the way the EMC’s are incorporated into the structure of a sign.

It was also noted by one or two members of the committee that the size of the letters (proposed to be no larger than 10″ in most zones and 15″ in two,) should not matter if the square foot requirement is not exceeded. Another member thought that they should have a cap on the letter size. The committee seemed to agree on one thing; the new code should not be so complicated and time consuming that it becomes cumbersome and hard to govern.

It was miss-stated to the committee at the meeting last night that Boise City’s sign ordinance allows for 12′ free-standing signs on their “Gateway” streets, which are Federal Way, Capital Boulevard, Park Center, Warm Springs, to name a few. This is not correct. Boise City allows the sign to be 12′ H for copy with an additional 2′ for architectural elements (total of 14′.) The current G.C. draft has cut the free-standing sign size to  10′ maximum in some zones and 8′ and 5′  in others. The committee thought this was a little harsh and suggested a height of 12′ because “I don’t know why,  it just sounds better.”

I believe there is hope……..that a better solution for business can be achieved through compromise and listening to each others concerns. I believe this because at the end of the meeting  one committee member summarized it this way. “Perhaps the city is trying to accomplish a “twenty-year plan” too quickly. Maybe it would better serve business if it was done in steps rather than in one fell swoop.” The committee members suggested that there was a lot more research and work to be done before a final draft would be ready for a vote.

Your input is still needed. Tonight is your opportunity to join in the discussion about issues that affect business at a meeting with the Garden City Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor of Garden City, John Evans.

MEETING INFO: (Please, please, please come!)

Thurs. March 19, 2009

6:00 pm

Plantation Country Club’s upstairs dining room

6515 W. State St.

Garden City, ID

RSVP requested – 877-545-8216 (come anyway)

The Chamber and Mayor will be compiling a list of concerns that will be presented to the City Council on Monday, March 23, 2009 at a 5:00 pm meeting at Garden City Hall.

**Keep checking this site for updates and additional meeting dates.**

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